Monday, January 2, 2023

War won't end until we stop hating the enemy

My son almost died because of a moment of mindlessness.  I was not present.  I was thinking about other things.  My mind was not on being his momma in that moment.

My friend is in jail for a hit and run.  A precious human is no longer here and the accused is isolated from society.  

Mindlessness.  Lack of presence.

Mindlessness is incredibly detrimental.  The repercussions of not being aware of your present moment are indefinite and interminable...terrifying and irresistible.  One person has infinite power.  And none at all. 

Moments of mindlessness beget judgements.  So very many judgements.

"I would never have done that."

"I can't believe she wasn't watching her 10 month old."

"What kind of person doesn't stop?"

"She/he was probably drunk or high."

"Her kids aren't safe with her."

"He shouldn't be driving."

"She/he is a terrible person.  Throw the book at him/her."

War won't end until we stop hating the enemy ourselves.  

To be in love with God is to be in love with yourself.  We are all tied to the Divine.  Beautifully individual yet mysteriously connected.  To everything.  

The sooner we see that what one does, we all do, the quicker beauty will multiply.  And the less hate exists.  

And love wins.