Sunday, June 17, 2018

Big Girl Panties

Today is the first day that I have woken up in this city without my parents residing here.  For the past 20 years we have lived in the same city.

I've never felt so lost...or empty.

Through all the changes I have been through, their constant presence in my life has been my net.  I was never truly afraid of what happened because I knew they were there to catch me.  Now that that net has been removed, fear is affirming its presence.

I saw their faces multiple times a week.  They were my strength when my world fell apart...the multiple times that it did.  With each failed relationship, almost losing my baby, and the millions of other little heartbreaks along the way I knew they were there.

I suppose it's past time for this girl to put her big girl panties on and grow up.

"When the whole world changes, He'll remain the same."

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