Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Band of Medusas v. Collection of Mary Poppinses

I am made up of equal parts good and bad...aka Medusa and Mary Poppins. Each avatar gets their time. Some more than others. But they all bask in the spotlight at some point. I have two boys. They are in constant motion. I chase them around the house to get their attention. I yell. Loudly sometimes. Homeboys do not listen. They hear my voice but it isn't registering in their brains that I need them to respond or act. This yelling is not a trait I hold dear. It sits in time out much of the time, thinking about what it's done. But it does get out of time out...much to my of the many Medusas I would like to expel from my multiple personalities. Screaming Medusa needs to be entirely banished from the kingdom. I think much of our interactions in life are like this... eternally attempting to get the attention of others. SEE ME! PAY ATTENTION TO ME! VALIDATE ME! AFFIRM ME! And if we don't get it, we pull our Medusa out. We walk around with a running list of who has acknowledged us and who hasn't...filling up precious space in our brains. The people who pay attention to us get a microscopic space on our list, but as with most things, the ones who don't see us take up most of the damn list. The Running-to-Therapy Medusa is kinda one of my favorites. If I had to choose. Just sayin'. I watched Seven Pounds recently. I formed another personality to contradict my Medusas because of that movie. It changed me. For a week at least. That week I was super aware of whether I was impacting the people around me. Did I see them? If I had died in their presence, would they have said about me, a total stranger, that I was kind or funny or sweet? Would they have felt appreciated? Had I made their day a little brighter? Brought a bit of light into the space we shared? Had I SEEN them? Or would they have said (or thought so as to not talk ill of the dead) that I was grouchy and condescending and unappreciative? Would they have felt unsettled even more by my passing because I had filled the space we shared with negativity and sadness? Made them feel even more insignificant than they already naturally did? Had they encountered the I'm-Better-Than-You-Because-I'm-Having-a-Great-Hairday-and-I-am-Much-More-Important-Than-You Medusa? I don't think that needing to be seen is a negative thing. I expect that there are some versions of this need for appreciation that are Mary Poppins. My I-Need-You-To-See-Me-So-Clearly-That-You-Can-Tell-If-I-Flossed Mary Poppins finds satisfaction in having a vivacious personality with an endearing, self-deprecating sense of humor. I get attention from making others laugh and debasing myself so they feel good about themselves. It's a Mary Poppins avatar because homegirl has good intentions. Unfortunately My I-Need-You-To-See-Me-So-Clearly-That-You-Can-Tell-If-I-Flossed Mary Poppins brings with it co-dependency. Which means that I always come last. I accept less than desirable behavior from others, and loving Jesus makes it even more confusing. I think that I am supposed to love others and forgive their behavior. This line is fuzzy for me. Most of the time I need glasses. And bifocals. And contacts. And laser eye surgery. To. See. The. Line. Because I struggle with self-esteem, Hyper-needy Medusa comes out of time out for validation. Which means that I take care of others to be noticed and affirmed. I chase people around to get their attention. Hyper-Needy Medusa is my least favorite one. She surfaces mostly in romantic relationships. Thanks to our contorted belief that our significant other is supposed to embody everything we need, the Super-Sensitive--Insecure-Dissatisfied-I-Changed-My-Outfit-20-Times-Today Medusa makes her appearance, in all her glory. For a woman twice divorced and a survivor of a number of relationships, this Medusa is particularly disconcerting. She likes to beat my Humility-First-Because-I-Love-Jesus Mary Poppins up. That sweet Mary Poppins doesn't stand a chance to the Super-Sensitive--Insecure-Dissatisfied-I-Changed-My-Outfit-20-Times-Today Medusa. Regardless of how many lectures she gets, the Humility-First-Because-I-Love-Jesus Mary Poppins does not obey. So these two women hash it out. One is convinced that all problems corresponding to relationships are the fault only of myself. The other is firmly committed to her belief that she is important regardless of how she is treated. She is able to stand up to all sorts of bullying ways. But this Medusa has close behind her the Running-to-Therapy Medusa (whom I'm very fond of). And it is this Band of Medusas that resides in my head. At any given time. They are all battling for the light. They want equal attention. And homegirls get it. Mary Poppins homegirls never win.

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