I'm not there yet...where I want to be. It's looming and is possible, but it's not yet here.
But that doesn't make me unsuccessful.
I read this post by a Jewel Ambassador in Plexus and it blew me away...she listed all the reasons she had to quit and why she didn't give up. She is currently making about $240K a year with Plexus. Granted, I'm making 13% of that but I'm not done either....
And all her reasons were relatable cuz this homegirl has been there.
So WHAT IF ....
--I had listened to a well intentioned man who told me God hates divorce and stayed in a miserable marriage feeling small and afraid for the rest of my life?
--I had given up when my friend told me she couldn't be my friend anymore because I had too much drama?
--I had believed my husband when he told me it was my fault our son almost died?
--I had stopped growing when someone told me I had too many red flags and too much baggage?
--I believed it when I was told that I was crazy and incompetent?
--I shut down my business because an employee told me it was worthless?
--I stopped working out because the man I was dating told me my muscles were gross?
--I gave up because four of my employees quit and started their own cleaning business?
--I threw in the towel after two divorces and again dated a man who did not see my value?

--I was not desperate enough to try Plexus and never took the products in the first place?
--I allowed the lies that I had slept with everyone and was kicked out of two bars to identify me?
--I believed the man I was dating when he told me I was inappropriate and shared too much?
--I had given up on God when my friend told me I was a typical, judgmental Christian?
--I gave up because my sister and brother succeeded in marriage and surpassed me?
--I stopped posting about Plexus because it annoyed some people?
--I believed it when a client/friend told me my company was mis-managed?
If any of these things had happened, I would not be where I am today...Paying my own way...Able to pick my boys up and drop them off from school and sing loudly to Justin Bieber on our way home..Able to stay home with them when they are sick...Able to shed the many reasons I have to give up and still wake early and tackle the day.
I am still changing, growing, hoping. I still love. I still laugh. I still choose to be happy when there are plenty of reasons to cry.
I press on. Knowing that regardless of the negativity, and possible truth behind the negativity, my life counts. I have a job to do.
And I'm not there yet. I can taste it. Touch it. Feel it. But it's not yet in my hands.
I am a glorious mess, but the trying is pretty dang fun.
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