Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Intense Pain...Incredible Joy

I was reading back through old blogs and was perturbed at myself.  How many blogs on single mom dating can one person write?  I mulled over this question for days.  Why did that seem to be the running theme in my life?  Surely I have other, more interesting things to write about?

And then a picture of Graham in the hospital flashed into my head.  I relived the whole incident...from start to finish and was left with a shortness of breath and a renewed anxiety.

I write about trivial things because the real stuff makes me panic.

Being a parent is unlike any other love or responsibility.  My heart will never stop sinking when I watch them walk into school on their own.  My worry for them will never cease.  The relief I feel when I finally have them back under my roof is persistent in its presence.

Living without them for a week at a time is like hanging my most important self up in my very large walk in closet/office and going in public as a sliver of a person. 

Nothing compares to motherhood.

I write about my dating adventures because it's comic relief.   My worry over my kids subsides for a short time as my fingers strike the keys.  I am lost in a world of humor and irrelevance, where the star of the show is this sliver of myself without my kids.  The fun, light, silly Rebekah.

It's a safe topic.

But what makes me who I am is the hard stuff.  The painful stuff. ...what my values are...who I value.  It has created not only intense pain but also incredible joy.  It's the guts of who I am.

Asking me to date without my kids is like asking a biker gang to go without leather.  It's just wrong.

I am doomed to write frivolous blogs 50% of the time...when my boys aren't tucked in their beds at my house as they should be.

The other 50% of the time is reserved for my anxiety over my boys....along with my intense pain...and incredible they snooze in their beds at momma's house.

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