Monday, July 10, 2017

Movin' on up

In my lifetime I have owned a number of houses. The last time I lived at home with my parentals I was single and engaged to be married. In December of 2016 I moved back in with my parents...with two boys in tow. Being at home when you're a 40 something single mom is amusing, humbling, confusing, peaceful. Regardless of the fact that my parents are incredible people. When I moved in with them, I swore I would only be there three months. When the divorce happened, I scrambled to find continuity in my family. Our family unit had dissipated and left in its wake a very confused momma and very fragile little boys. We were all discombobulated and shaken. Trying to find a footing that kept moving. Seeing my boys suffer and dealing with my own suffering, I knew we needed stability. And my parents are rocks. During these seven months we have all healed. Our hearts found a place that was solid and our wounds stopped openly bleeding. I prayed that I would know when the time was right. I had multiple opportunities to make a home for us independent of my parents. I entertained the idea of different roommates in various parts of the city. But none of them worked out, much to my chagrin at times. God was protecting me and my boys when my mind was out to lunch. Need is a tempestuous lover...finding costly solutions in order to satiate its debilitating infection. God knew I wasn't ready. He knew I didn't have the wherewithal just yet to provide solely the stability my boys and I needed. Thankfully God isn't erratic and given to reckless moods. I met Christy at my friend's house that I have known for years. Christy is her cousin. It was unusual I hadn't met her before. We began discussing the housing options around the city and she casually mentioned her place and the possibility of an apartment coming up for rent. I had already secured another place, so didn't pay much attention. But the day my housing fell through, I texted Christy and asked if there were any vacancies in her building. She said no. Three hours later, she called and said someone just put in their notice. Not only is this place a stable environment with tenants who have been there for years, but it was much less expensive than my original option. The next day I had an apartment. I would be daft if I assumed this was merely coincidence. It's a bit unnerving when you realize the God who created the universe just orchestrated something especially for you. I suppose I should be used to this phenomenon, but He's usually much more subtle. But this time, I get it. So thanks for that, God. I needed some special attention. And now, seven months later, my boys and I are finally moving out to make a home together. As our little family.

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