Friday, April 6, 2018

Country Road Lined with Opinions

Nothing is more conducive to peace of mind than not having any opinions at all. 
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 - 1799)

This dude was a physicist.  I'm pretty sure he was smart enough to have lots of opinions about lots of things.  People probably would have been better off if they listened to him.  But he discovered peace of mind means not having any.

I bombard myself with the opinions of others.  I allow them to give me feedback simply by sharing with them everything.  When you open your life up to someone else, this is a normal part of the relationship.  Hearing their opinion on the matter.

I am, unfortunately, in a position where few of my trusted group has been.  Both my siblings are in stable marriages.  My parents also.  Nothing like adding this to the already cumbersome Middle Child Syndrome.  

Pause for dramatic effect....and a little chuckle.

Such is life.  Finding your own path.  No one can walk it for you.  You have to simply know who you are, what your strengths are, what your weaknesses are.  You can't will yourself to have a different personality.  You can, I suppose, change your weaknesses to become strengths.  But this is a long road that most likely lasts your entire life.  And I'm 41.  I still have years ahead of me of decisions, career, watching my children grow.  I have years of living with what I've been given and who I am.  The possibility that I MIGHT change can't determine my now actions.

Walking your own path sometimes means being lonely.  Because there are places your loved ones can't go with you.  It's just you and the road.  The windows are down to let in the air, but you are driving solo.  The wind, road and radio your only friend.

A man that I dated for a minute said we were on different paths.   I don't know what his path is, but mine is to live honestly, love hard, laugh often, and be the very best mom and person I can be.  I'm just on a country road while he's walking on a sidewalk maybe.  But the living honestly part is probably what separates us from others.  Because our honest looks different from anyone else.  

My friend said it best....just live your life as honestly as possible and your people will come alongside you who are living in the same way.

Part of my honest path is going to the gym....gotta honestly lift some seriously honest weights.  Alone or not.

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