Saturday, April 7, 2018

Rumors and Bunny Slippers

Rumor: definition
1 : talk or opinion widely disseminated with no discernible source
2 : a statement or report current without known authority for its truth

"I heard you and [insert random man's name] .... [insert scandalous act]."
"I hear you're dissolving your business."
"I thought you were getting back together with your ex."
"I heard you guys aren't friends anymore."
"I heard you paid for everything for her."

If I had a quarter for every time I heard a rumor that wasn't true, I'd be rich.  I'm sure most of us would.

Rumors have a way of threatening temporary insanity.  You're just having a normal conversation with someone when supposed information comes up and immediately poisons your psyche.  You get hot in the face and short of breath.  And you want to stand up and scream at the injustice of the falsehood.  And you do this mentally, but you keep the crazy inside so more rumors aren't started.  Instead, you just chuckle and shake your head pretending that your interior temperature did not just skyrocket.

I wish sometimes I could stand up in a public place and cry out about all the injustices against me.  I'm pretty sure there are people who do this.  They are likely in a padded room with bunny slippers on.

I want some bunny slippers.

If I had the bunny slippers then I could remind myself that I am one step away from being in a padded room.  And to keep it together already, Rebekah.

But truthfully, a fevered response to the insanity of untruth shouldn't be labeled "crazy."

But we are all too ridiculously reserved to act in a way that would be considered too emotional.

I have the personality that causes people to talk.  I laugh loudly.  I say too much.  I ask pointed questions and am curious about everything.  I'm not shy and have never met a stranger.  If I see someone in need, I insert myself into the situation to help.  Try as I may, me and the wall flower will never be pals.

There are many situations like this that present themselves.  So I can either choose to run home and put on my bunny slippers and get my mega phone out, ready to be the town crier.  Or I can laugh loudly and continue to give them fodder for rumor.

As much as I love bunny slippers, I love laughter more.

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